The Woman
The Movies: 1953
The Movies: 1954
New Page Title
Portrait of an Actress

The Camera worshiped Audrey Hepburn,
as her 26 films triumphantly testify.


Fifty years ago, she tore down the flashy pinup and made "gamine" an American byword. Women have been imitating her ever since

Audrey Hepburn was the quintessence of fashion,but wore the title lightly;
she was a movie star, but remained above the Hollywood fray;
ethereal, mischievous and inherently wise, she was the princess of all the fairy tales;
her appeal had something to do with her funny,stunning face,
but even more to do with the sincerity that transpared from her performances.
This pages are a tribute to the star that shone too briefly,
but burned an indelible image on the world she left behind.