The Movies: 1954


The Woman
The Movies: 1953
The Movies: 1954
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Sabrina  (1954)  Paramount
Director:  Billy Wilder
Screenplay:  Billy Wilder, Samuel Taylor & Ernest Lehman
                       from the play "Sabrina Fair" by Samuel Taylor
Art Direction:
CAST:         Audrey Hepburn ( Sabrina Fairchild), Humphrey Bogart,
                     William Holden, Walter Hampden, John Williams,
                      Martha Hyer,
Sabrina Cast
Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, William holden
The film was a successful comedy-romance and earned Audrey another Oscar nomination; she lost to Grace Kelly for her dramatic tour- de-force in " TheCountry Girl".
  Audrey and Holden went along marvelously, but neither could stand Bogart, brought in at the last moment to substitute Cary Grant, whose remarks about the acting ability of his co-stars were so mean that Holden had to be physically restrained  from  attacking him.
Even today, after fifty years, the film remains fresh and enchanting and, in spite of all the off-camera shenanigans, the three leads give charming performances.
( A modern remake in the late nineties was the proof that the success of the film rested mainly on its heroine's  special  charm.)
Sabrina returns from Paris
Audrey Hepburn, William Holden
William Holden, Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart

The story is basically a Cinderella tale.

Audrey was a chauffeur's daughter who had aspirations to marry her wealthy employer's son (Holden). When he spurns her, she attempts suicide but is saved and sent off to Paris to become a cultivated lady, and on her return Holden has second thoughts. Enter Bogart as the older brother, intending to break up the courtship by pretending to fall in love with her himself. Naturally, as all good fairy tales must end, Bogart happily winds up as Audrey's choice.

Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn, William Holden
William Holden, Audrey Hepburn

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